July 2022

Why young Australians are looking to health insurance extras for comprehensive mental health support

Mental health support is available right now to anyone in need. Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636  Butterfly Foundation – 1800 334 673 Lifeline – 13 11 14 Almost 50% of Australians will face challenges to their mental health at some point in their lives. In fact, one in five people will experience anxiety, depression …

Why young Australians are looking to health insurance extras for comprehensive mental health support Read More »

When will the economy recover?

Equity markets have rallied off their lows during April 2020 and the rate of recovery will be closely watched as new economic policies are introduced and restrictions are lifted. The extent to which consumer sentiment rebounds will be a key driver of the shape of recovery.

What Private Health Insurance Covers in Australia?

No one plans to sustain an injury or get ill. However, most people will face some health issues at one point. Unfortunately, even the most minor medical costs could prove costly. serious injury or sickness could result in severe financial hardships for the impacted person and their family. Luckily, protection known as private health insurance could help defray the expenses associated with many issues. However, it is important for Australians to realise that this private health safeguard does not cover every medical cost they might incur.

The budget and private health insurance

The dust has now settled on the federal budget but little has been said about how it will impact private health insurance. The team at ExtrasJar is here to give you the lowdown on a key change announced in the budget and how it may impact you and your family.

The Best 5 Budgeting Tips For 2022

Budgeting has been a part of personal financial planning for thousands of years. In modern times, however, budgeting has lost its way as more and more people have found themselves unable to keep their savings from dwindling. But as costs continue to rise across the board, perhaps it’s time to reignite your interest in better finance management. The best personal finance strategies can help you save money for your future and even earn some extra cash along the way.

Tax and private health insurance explained

You will often come across terms like “lifetime loading”, “medicare surcharge” or “government rebate” when signing up to a private health insurance policy or completing your tax return. The team at ExtrasJar explains these terms below to help you understand how they may affect you and the amount of tax you pay.