The hidden gotchas of pet insurance

Uncover the hidden complexities of pet insurance to make informed choices for your furry companion. From waiting periods to sub-limits, navigate potential pitfalls and explore transparent options like ExtrasJar.

Uncover the hidden complexities of pet insurance to make informed choices for your furry companion. From waiting periods to sub-limits, navigate potential pitfalls and explore transparent options like ExtrasJar.

Pet insurance is crucial for your pet’s health and your budget, but hidden complexities can catch you off guard. From waiting periods to sub-limits, this guide reveals the concealed pitfalls of pet insurance.

Waiting periods

A common gotcha involves waiting periods before coverage begins, impacting benefits for accidents and illnesses. Being aware of these periods is crucial to avoid unexpected expenses.

Pre-existing Conditions

The exclusion of pre-existing conditions is a significant concern. Understand how insurers define these conditions and review your pet’s health history to prevent coverage surprises.

Coverage Limits

Annual or lifetime coverage limits can cap claims, leaving you with additional expenses. Thoroughly review limits and consider your pet’s long-term healthcare needs for adequate coverage.

Premium Increases

As pets age, some insurers may raise premiums, making coverage more expensive over time. Consider policies with rate guarantees to better manage your budget.

Breed-Specific Exclusions

Certain breeds may face exclusions due to predisposed health issues. Explore insurers tailoring coverage to individual breed needs.


Hidden sub-limits on common illnesses like tick paralysis can catch pet owners by surprise. Scrutinise policy details and choose transparent options like ExtrasJar that eliminate hidden sub-limits.


From waiting periods to sub-limits, pet insurance can be a maze of hidden gotchas. Thoroughly understanding these nuances ensures you can choose a policy that transparently meets your pet’s needs without unexpected financial burdens.


The information in this article is general in nature as it has been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) & Target Market Determination, and obtain appropriate financial and taxation advice, before making a decision about whether ExtrasJar’s products are right for you.