Does pet insurance cover Desexing?

Pet insurance policies typically don’t cover routine procedures such as desexing (spaying or neutering) as they are considered standard preventive measures. Pet insurance is primarily designed to provide coverage for unexpected accidents, illnesses, and emergency veterinary care.

Pet insurance policies typically don’t cover routine procedures such as desexing (spaying or neutering) as they are considered standard preventive measures. Pet insurance is primarily designed to provide coverage for unexpected accidents, illnesses, and emergency veterinary care.

If desexing is a priority for you, it is advisable to consult with your veterinarian and consider budgeting separately for this procedure, as it is a routine and expected cost in pet ownership.

Desexing is generally recommended for the health and well-being of pets, and many veterinary clinics offer affordable packages or discounts for desexing services.

Some pet insurance providers may offer additional coverage options or wellness plans that include preventive care, such as vaccinations or annual check-ups. These plans may include a limited reimbursement for desexing as part of their wellness benefits. It’s important to review the policy details and contact the insurance provider directly to understand what specific procedures are covered and any limitations or exclusions that may apply.

An alternative is to set up a savings plan. With an ExtrasJar pet account you can set up a savings plan. Your savings are invested, and you can access those investments at the point of sale using your ExtrasJar Pet Mastercard to pay for things like annual check-ups, grooming and vaccinations. If you don’t use your fund, it rolls over, it’s that simple.

We are all different and some are extra. Please read the PDS and TMD to consider if this product is right for you.