The ExtrasJar Experience: Stories of our happy and healthy customers

ExtrasJar is set out with a mission to shake up the insurance industry and give control back to our customers. We saw how Australians are tired of the old-fashioned approach to health and pet extras cover.

ExtrasJar is set out with a mission to shake up the insurance industry and give control back to our customers. We saw how Australians are tired of the old-fashioned approach to health and pet extras cover. That’s why we decided to change the game by giving them all of those they love about insurance and extras, with none of the bits they don’t.

We are new in the industry, but we are elated by the overflowing and continuous support we received from our customers who decided to join the revolution. Our customers were looking for a plan worthy of their money where flexibility and control are within their grasp, and we are glad to have seen that they are satisfied with our radical approach.

Read through the stories of happy and healthy ExtrasJar members here.

Extras your way

At ExtrasJar, we say goodbye to restrictive limits, and we’re all about flexibility. Customers can tailor their own cover and spend their money how they want to. 

“The ExtrasJar philosophy of ‘extras your way’ really resonates with me. I did the maths from my previous insurer and quickly worked out that not only was I paying my health fund much more than I was claiming, but each year, I would lose money in unclaimed extras. With ExtrasJar, I no longer lose my money and I get to use the funds how I want! It really is extras my way,” said Nat from Brisbane.

We don’t impose limits on the treatments you use your funds for; if you want your funds all on dental, you can! It’s your money, and we keep it that way.

Full cover on treatments

In traditional insurers, you will see how they often only cover only around 40% to 65% of the treatment cost, which results in out-of-pocket expenses. For example, the average dental treatment claim is only around $65. This is also one of the frustrations we saw in the industry because it makes customers shell out more of their savings when they are already paying so much for premiums.

It’s rare to see a health insurer cover 100% of the fees for treatments. Saving for your own extras is a great alternative, and ExtrasJar has just the product,” Felix from Melbourne said.

“I’ve always seen extras insurance as a waste of money because I never claim, and even when I claim, there’s always an out-of-pocket surprise. Now, I can save for the extras I want with the added bonus of my savings being invested, perfect!” said Nicole from Sydney.

Access your funds right off when you need it

For us, waiting periods defeat the purpose of getting extras. Why? Because we can’t dictate when mishaps occur to us, our family, or our pets. It cannot be scheduled after waiting periods have elapsed in order for you to use your cover.

That’s why we also say goodbye to waiting periods, lasting up to 12 or 36 months (depending on the treatment) before you can use your extras. Once your funds are invested and you have units, you can spend them on treatments, the way you want if you need to!

“As a fur parent, I felt confident with ExtrasJar because I could use my funds immediately after units were issued to me, with no waiting periods! I’m glad I can use their pet extras cover right away. I definitely have that peace of mind that they’re protected,” Dmitry from Victoria said.

Grow your savings for the future

ExtrasJar’s goal goes way beyond offering peace of mind for you, your family, and your pet. We also aim to empower you to save further as you access healthcare, and that’s what our pioneering investment mechanism is for.

“What got me to love ExtrasJar, above all, is that none of my money will expire if I don’t make a claim. Instead, they will roll over year after year and continue to be invested in their managed investment scheme. That gives me the potential to grow my savings further which will be helpful when I need a treatment. It’s so worth it!” said Vivek from Queensland.

You are rewarded for staying in good shape because we support your healthy future.

We are just starting, and we are glad to see how our customers feel the satisfaction and protection we want to give them when it comes to extras cover. This is why we do what we do – we are looking forward to bringing the health and pet care revolution to one Aussie at a time.

Haven’t joined the revolution yet? Join us now and be one of the happy and healthy ExtrasJar members!