What can you claim on extras? You might be surprised!

Understanding exactly what you can claim on your extras can help minimise out of pocket costs and maximise healthcare.

Unlock the true benefit of your extras cover

Do you know exactly what your extras actually covers? You might be surprised to discover treatments you didn’t know you could claim on. 

More than half of the Australian population has private extras cover. As the cost of living increases across the country, this added protection is a great way to prioritise your wellbeing without the unwelcome surprise of added health expenses. 

While plenty of people opt in, it appears that some may not be getting the right return. In fact, Australians spend aroun $10.6bn in extras cover per year but only $5.6 billion is paid out by providers. After years spent in the insurance industry, we believe a big part of this problem is education and flexibility. 

It’s about understanding what you have cover for, then having the freedom to choose how you utalise that cover. We created ExtrasJar to provide exactly that. Not only do we allow you to pick exactly what you spend your extras cover on, but we also want to make sure you’re aware of all the treatments, products and services covered in your plan. 

Understanding what your extras offers cover for

Before you sign up for any health extras or insurance policy, it’s a good idea to check the product details to see what’s included. Recent advancements in research and innovation has seen a growing number of options now available across Australia, so it’s helpful to find a flexible cover plan that allows you to tap into the full spectrum of services. 

For ExtrasJar customers who already have an account, they can view their product inclusions and usage in real-time in our web app. This is a great way to understand what you’re using, what you might be eligible to claim on and plan ahead for your expenses. 

If you’re not an existing ExtrasJar customer or you’re interested in learning more about how you can put your health first, you might be surprised by some of the options available to you. This includes: 

Traditional alternative medicine

We’ve seen a growing demand for traditional alternative medicines in recent years, including treatments like acupuncture, naturopathy and oriental medicine. Most of these options date well back in time and are still deeply entrenched in many cultures today. In Australia, they’re now used to complement other treatments or as a standalone option for physical and emotional support. 

Body oriented therapy

Body oriented therapy works with your body and your mind to help you achieve balance and improve overall well being. This may involve mind-body exercises such as breathwork, meditation, visualisation, massage, grounding, dance or awareness work. 

Dietary and herbal therapy

Dietary and herbal therapies are increasingly used to treat a growing range of diagnoses. From regaining strength after illness to tackling acne and heightening energy, the growing scientific evidence for these treatments allows Australians to explore alternative pathways with their extras cover.

External energy

There are many kinds of energy therapies, some which use support mechanisms such as light, sound and magnets. These treatments can be used to treat symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve mobility, assist with pain management, and much more. 

Mental therapy

Meditation, biofeedback and hypnotherapy are just a few of the treatments being used by AUstralians to boost mental therapy. As no two people experience the same mental health symptoms, it’s important to explore the options until you find a treatment that works well for you. 


Extras the ExtrasJar way

ExtrasJar has revolutionised the way healthcare expenses are managed and treated. Our partnership with Mastercard® allows you to tap into your growing fund at the point of sale – no matter what treatment you’re using. You can also connect with our affiliated healthcare providers through the ExtrasJar database, which gives you the peace of mind that you and your family are in good hands. 

We’re truly on a mission to give you the most flexible, transparent and fair healthcare protection on the market so that you can put your wellbeing first, without breaking the bank. If you have questions about any of the included services or the ExtrasJar model, we’d love to hear from you. Say hello today. 

And if you’re ready to jump onboard? Your complete peace of mind is just a click away.